Abundant energy from Earth to the asteroid belt.
Abundant energy from Earth to the asteroid belt.
Abundant energy from Earth to the asteroid belt.
Fission microreactors to enable strategic energy for critical mission capabilities on earth, in space, and underwater.
R1 Microreactor
Kilowatt-Scale Special Purpose Reactor
Integrated Shielding & Transport Cradle
Tungsten & B4C shielding ease upkeep. Cradle simplifies deployment with minimal gear.
Reactivity Controls
Graphite and boron carbide control drums with independent actuator motors, inspired by historical space reactor designs.
TRISO coated particle fuel in prismatic graphite core.
Sodium Heat Pipes
Sodium heat pipes enable redundant high temperature entirely passive heat transfer.
Primary Heat Exchanger
Fin and tube heat exchanger.
Nitrogen Brayton Cycle
Simple recuperated N2 closed Brayton cycle enables efficient power conversion at < 300 psi. Low maintenance, low corrosion, leak resistant, and high reliability.
Power Management & Distribution
Electricity is conditioned through a power management and distribution node which can flexibly deliver power and connect to local microgrids.
Simple design optimized for reliability, uptime, and manufacturability
Simple design optimized for reliability, uptime, and manufacturability
Simple design optimized for reliability, uptime, and manufacturability
Vertically integrated supply chain
Vertically integrated supply chain
Vertically integrated supply chain
Special Purpose Reactors
Special Purpose Reactors
Special Purpose Reactors
We specialize in designing and manufacturing adaptable and scaleable reactors for strategic energy applications, including space-based nuclear power and propulsion and energy resilience for mission-critical facilities.
We specialize in designing and manufacturing adaptable and scaleable reactors for strategic energy applications, including space-based nuclear power and propulsion and energy resilience for mission-critical facilities.
We specialize in designing and manufacturing adaptable and scaleable reactors for strategic energy applications, including space-based nuclear power and propulsion and energy resilience for mission-critical facilities.

Heat Pipes & Thermal Management
Thermal Management
Thermal Management
Our expertise encompasses designing and developing high-temperature heat pipes and radiators, ensuring compact high-temperature thermal management.
Our expertise encompasses designing and developing high-temperature heat pipes and radiators, ensuring compact high-temperature thermal management.
Our expertise encompasses designing and developing high-temperature heat pipes and radiators, ensuring compact high-temperature thermal management.

Control Systems
Control Systems
Control Systems
Our team excels in design, build, and test of automated control systems, enabling hardware-in-the-loop digital twins.
Our team excels in design, build, and test of automated control systems, enabling hardware-in-the-loop digital twins.
Our team excels in design, build, and test of automated control systems, enabling hardware-in-the-loop digital twins.

Graphite Machining
Graphite Machining
Graphite Machining
We precision machine nuclear-grade graphite in house.
We precision machine nuclear-grade graphite in house.
We precision machine nuclear-grade graphite in house.